Monday 9 May 2011


At univeristy on a group assignment me and my team worked really well to ensure we had a good quiality assignment handed in on time. using different teamworking theories such as Tuckman i think we developed well as a group.

Tuckman's Stages of Group Development

First discovered in 1965, this theory was built around the effectiveness of team building and leadership. This theory revolves around the STAR team performance model, looked at later in this report, research shows that groups have to ‘evolve’ in to a team before being able to work together well and efficiently.

After working on this assignment together i think tuckman really showed how we worked as a team. when we first started we felt optimistic on the task ahead, followed by the storming phase where we had disagreements and arguements about how and what we would do with the assignment. but once past that we headed up to the perfomring stage where we were able to hand in an excellent piece of work. i think this shows how a group really can follow a theory in order to work as a team.

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