Tuesday 10 May 2011

Performance Management

The university measures my performance by marking me though my assignments throughout the year, my lecturers are there to help learn the necessary information in order to pass effectively. my personal tutor is here for me to feel comfortable and able to have someone to talk to if uncomfortable with my lecturers.

I think what makes an effective mentor is someone that challenges what the person being mentored offers to insure they are constantly questioning for the best solution, also someone with a lot of knowledge in a certain area. it is important to also realise that they are mentoring.
Someone who has mentored me in my life is an old teacher at my sixth form, she was my tutor and teacher, which meant i spent a lot of time with her a week, she noticed they i occasionally struggled with tasks and so helped a lot with guiding me through my entire time at sixth form. she really affected my life because i began to learn from her a lot me and questioned ehr constantly to gain more knowledge.

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